Is There A Point?

  1. Standing on a grassy hill at dawn. Because I feel like it. Thick green and shadowy black trees surrounding me. Looking down on me. Like a brother would. Staring at me. Haunting ye. Stand my ground. Up to ye. Dreams turn on me. For empathy. That
    l sound: Not a sound. Silence! humanity. Your too fckin loud. I turn you off. 
  • Used to ye Fckin off on me all the time. But now it’s on my terms. Nothing violent no klaknacosh. Have had enough of your urgency. Your emergencies. Your convergences.  Non creativity attempts. Forcefully freaking yourselves out when we just need a breath. Is that to much to expect? Rushing round being square. Bending around turning to any shape for anyone. Pretentious. Pretending. Cautious. You Scared then? There’s someone you need to be over there. Leave me be your wanted over there. Not being rude but fckoff over there
  • Voices watch eyes whisper. Spotted the man on the hill smoking tha big  fckin splif sure , I’m connecting to Gia. The earth man, the mother and her kind eye. From dirt to birth, turn after turn, urn after urn. Na still burns. In the pit of my stomach still fiery them churns returns. The smoke leaves my throat and embers escape my mouth. Choking on the ashes of the past. Past that was a different man. Killed long ago. Different breath. Different mind. You don’t know me. 

  • Whos that? I’m fuckin with the Druidry
  • Who that? I’m fuckin with the Druidry
  • Who’s that? I’m fuckin with the Druidry

  • Seeing through new alignments and old
  • Gods is what I said. New binoculars and a new blade. Act of kindness decision iv made. Giving myself to the chaos. Not much blood loss. What is life? Chaos. Chaos will forever be chaos. Life will forever be life. In the jungle with the sex pests, touched by an Angel, touchy subject monkeys, junkies. Go take a rest while the rest of us compress your inflictions. They’d expect a full confession but fck them. We’re turning on them and we’ll crucify everyone of them. The fear. No more black and white. The colour will rain From the skys.

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