Showing posts with label Untold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Untold. Show all posts


Strength does not have to be physical. Masculine. Feminine. Spiritual. Strength can be as easy as conquering one’s demons on a daily basis. Just to get out of bed. To survive. To breath. To bury these entities back to the dark where they belong.

Not letting people

take advantage.

Not letting people think they are better than of you.

Life cuts. Life pierces. Life is painful. Sometimes so painful you cannot see, hear or speak.

As your heart aches and body burns. 

Life crucifies. As we figure out who or what our purpose is. But life can also be beautiful.

Sometimes it is hard to summon the power. The strength that is needed. But it is always there. Always there to hold you up in the true face of opposition. Don’t let it become locked in your mind like a political prison pleading for freedom. Like a black rose within us it simply needs to grow. Our choking anxieties and paranoia. 

But it is always there. Our light in the dark. A Beacon of transition. Never be afraid of fear. Never try to breath life into them dark thoughts for they will become you and destroy. But our strength will show us really who we are during these harsh, brutal and uncertain times. Like a phoenix we rise from the ash. 

In this chaos we call life we try as we may to maintain order. To Curtail and contain. An impossibility. We either move with the current or pull against. 

Even with tears in our eyes we can and will survive anything and everything thrown at us by the heavens. Choice or none. The struggle. The strife. The longing.

Let it come let the uncertainty and pain reign over us. And over take us. For we have faced much worse creatures in life and we will face ever more. For my own strength such as yours will keep us going eternal. 

By Darragh McConn


Her heart is filled with wishes unspoken,
Her heart is filled with words untold,
And one day may explode,
She tries to make sure it doesn't,
So she uses her smile as her Vail, 
Thus looking through her eyes,
 you never know the weight she bears, 
Unspoken, untold, she converts it into a prayer. 
For without word, her God can hear,
And so she finds her solace there. 