Happily destroyed

Happily destroyed

My eyes dry with doormat
Out at the corridor.

Shriveling  in the sun
Of longanimity.

They were slowly slumbering
At the doorstep of impatient pause.

Finally the most awaited gurus
Of Tasawwuf arrived.

Mehfil made sama with kutchi sufiyana. 
Followed by Sindhi, Punjabi and then Arabic.

I was enthralled.

Irrespective of knowing the denotation
Of the word Marifa, Ihsan, Wahdat, Shuhud
Or the devine discipline of the genre,
I just overlooked these aspects 
And groove to their performances
One after one.

I need not be a philosopher
Or a linguist to fathom or elaborate
On language of music.

Although I did feel the essence of Fana.

An abolishment of sin
That purified this bemired soul.

In this Sufi, I happily destroyed myself.

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